Co do formy:
nie jestem zdecydowana, raczej wolę łączenie stylów, więc może być całkiem niezły misz-masz, od dziennika po poradnik.

środa, 5 lutego 2014

Różnice w tańcach pomiędzy regionami (ang)


EXECUTION: Lively dances and becoming livelier! Banat plain - rapid steps staying close to the ground, mountain areas- more vertical movement.
POSTURE: Posture - upright.
STEPS: Men - on balls of feet, strong upbeat and deep bends from the knees, elastic leg action, women - light, smooth flat steps, very fast spins.


EXECUTION: strong, unhurried, on whole foot (including jumps and hops). Firm and earthbound compared to the rest of Moldavia.
POSTURE: upright body; in the north a proud posture and upper body sways with steps.
STEPS: stamps are heavy with rebound; women - small contained steps (note the tight fota skirts).


EXECUTION: Rhythmical, like Maramureş, but with more diversity, and continuous flexing of the knees.
STEPS: women - feet "scamper" in a smooth movement across the ground, men - boot slaps smaller and more rapid than in Transylvania and often in different rhythm to the footwork.
Arad dances show influences of Banat.


Diverse dance styles due to other Romanian populations moving into this area including the Arumanians from Macedonia. Influences from eastern, Turkish and Bulgarian.

Maramureş & Oaş

EXECUTION: distinctive rhythmical firm and solid style, showing similarities with north Moldavia and Bihor.
POSTURE: upright, more relaxed in Oaş.
STEPS: men - powerful rhythmical, trampling steps and stamps, all on the flat foot; women - light, fast steps heels just off the ground.


EXECUTION: strong, unhurried, on whole foot (including jumps and hops), small in amplitude, but may be intense and rapid particularly in the west.
POSTURE: upright body; in the north a proud posture and upper body sways with steps.
STEPS: stamps are heavy with rebound; women - small contained steps (note the tight fota skirts).


EXECUTION: energetic, in the south older dance style is earth bound steps with relaxed knees, more recent springing steps and low leaps, in the north relaxed and strong.
POSTURE: relaxed body, focuses on footwork with the body not very active.
STEPS: crossing steps, heel clicks, dances cover ground, stamps are accented on the rebound in the south, and on the whole foot in the north.


EXECUTION: on the ball of the foot, light, confined to small space with strong dynamics, using rotations of hips.
POSTURE: knees in slight flexion, can lean forward at times, focuses on footwork with the body not very active.
STEPS: crossing steps, fast moving, small steps, dances cover ground, stamps on whole foot (more in the mountain areas).


EXECUTION: complex syncopations are internally sensed and not stressed
POSTURE: men - stately and upright, relaxed, contained energy; women - relaxed, subdued.
STEPS: women - flat, light and flowing, spins are flat and smooth; men - leg kicks and rotations, aerial heel-clicks, stamps.


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