Co do formy:
nie jestem zdecydowana, raczej wolę łączenie stylów, więc może być całkiem niezły misz-masz, od dziennika po poradnik.

poniedziałek, 3 lutego 2014

Tradycyjne okrycia wierzchnie

Traditional over garments were similar for men and women. They were made either from woollen cloth or animal skin, and were intended as protective garments against the weather.
Over garments made of felted woollen cloth are found throughout the Balkan-Carpathian area. From 18th century these  were usually made by craftsmen in artisan’s workshops. These craftsmen make a wide variety of different garments from cloaks or coats to waistcoats and trousers. The names used for each piece of clothing varies from district to district as does the exact cut and mode of decoration.

Summary of coat and jacket names:

Sheepskin Over GarmentNameArea
CloaksSarică or BituşcaSouthern Carpathians
CoatsCojocAll zones
WaistcoatsPieptarAll zones
Fabric Over Garments
CloaksŢolul, ţolica, gluga
Great / over coatsSuman, sumăiaş, sumănicăTransylvania & Moldavia
DimieOltenia & Muntenia
RecălŢara Oltului
Şuba,Vâlcea, Câmpia Banatului
Zeghe, (zeche or zechie).Zona Târnavelor, Ţara Loviştei, zona Prahovei
ŢundrăMunţii Apuseni
Duruţ,Câmpia Banatului
Imurluc (epingea)Zonele Ialomiţa, Ilfov, Teleorman
IpingeaCâmpia Munteniei, Oltenia and Dobrogea
Gheba, manta, aba, abaleDobrogea
SzurHungarian name
Sleeveless jacketsGiubea,giubeaua or sumanSouth Oltenia & Muntenia
Cosacs / cosace
Fleecy jackets (waist length)Guba or buboulMaramureş
Cloth JacketsMintan/minteneGorj, and Mehedinţi
Cloth WaistcoatsLaibăr, pieptar, ilic, chintusAll zones

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